Dry skin brushing is exactly what it sounds like: taking a natural-bristled brush and gently brushing the skin while it is dry. Dry brushing the skin is great for exfoliation and increasing circulation, which brings with it a host of other benefits!
Benefits of dry skin brushing for self care
Enhance your glow - removing the flaky, dead skin cells will leave your skin looking brighter and help it better absorb your moisturizers.
Reduce breakouts - regular exfoliating helps to unclog the pores, resulting in fewer breakouts.
Reduce the signs of aging - long-term exfoliating can increase collagen production, which promotes skin elasticity, minimizing the appearance of fine lines.
Helps detoxify - the act of brushing increases blood circulation and lymph flow/drainage, which in turn encourages the elimination of toxins from the tissues of the body.
Reduce the appearance of cellulite - the increase of blood circulation and lymph drainage can also plump up the skin, reducing the appearance of cellulite.
Feel energized - dry brushing stimulates your nervous system, which can make you feel invigorated afterward.'-
Some tips for dry brushing:
Dry brush your skin before a bath or shower. Brushing the skin while it is dry, instead of wet, allows you to exfoliate and increase blood circulation without robbing it of moisture. Then you can wash off any dead skin cells and flaky skin. Be sure to apply a good-quality moisturizer afterward to put moisture back into your skin.
Use a natural stiff-bristled bath/shower brush. We recommend starting with a fairly soft-bristled brush, as some bristles are stiffer than others, and it depends on your skin’s sensitivity and preference. Choose a brush with a long handle to help you reach your back. If your skin is very sensitive, you can use a dry washcloth instead of a natural-bristle brush. Use either a washcloth, a brush designed specifically for the face or an exfoliating face wash on the sensitive skin of your face.
Never brush over skin that is broken or inflamed. This includes cuts, scrapes, lesions, sores or burned skin, including sunburns. Don’t ever brush over areas of infection, redness or general irritation, inflammation, cellulitis or skin cancer. Simply skip over these parts until they are fully healed. Stop dry brushing if skin becomes irritated or inflamed.
How to Dry Brush
- Ensure your skin is completely dry before beginning. The best time is to brush before a shower.
- Start at the extremities and gently brush toward the heart, applying slight pressure to your personal preference. Move from the feet, up the legs in upward sweeping and circular motions and then from the hands up the arms in the same way. This helps to encourage the lymph tissue toward the nodes for elimination.
- Use circular motions on the torso (chest, abdomen and back), again encouraging the lymph tissue and circulation towards the heart.
- Once you have finished, shower as you normally would, using an exfoliating face wash on your face.
- Following up with a good-quality moisturizer or serum to help minimize irritation and lock in moisture.
If you’re heading outside afterwards, be sure to follow up with a sunscreen as exfoliation can make your skin more prone to sunburn!
Looking to turn up the heat on your dry brushing experience? Check out our Ultimate Bath Moment available now in our store and learn how to create a spa like experience right in your own bathroom.